Kinyago Dandora School Feeding Program

Feeding Program

Kinyago Dandora Schools have been dedicated to providing nutritious meals to children in need since its inception in January 1987. Recognizing the impoverished conditions many children in the Kinyago-Dandora slum face, the school started with a nursery school and a feeding project to address these pressing challenges.Through our feeding program, every student at Kinyago Dandora Schools receives two nutritious meals each day. These meals not only satisfy their hunger but also provide essential nutrients for their growth and development. We go the extra mile by providing a number of students with take-home cooked packed food for dinner, ensuring they do not go to bed on an empty stomach. This initiative has played a significant role in preventing absenteeism and improving concentration in the classroom.

Furthermore, we are delighted to announce that we now have a school farm. This farm allows us to supplement the school diet with fresh produce harvested directly from our own land. By incorporating these nutritious and homegrown ingredients into our meals, we can further enhance the health and well-being of our students.We are proud to say that none of our students suffer from malnutrition, and we attribute this accomplishment to God’s care and provision. 

We are immensely grateful for His blessings and the support we receive to sustain our feeding program and meet the nutritional needs of our students.Together, with the support of our dedicated staff, generous sponsors and donors, and the grace of God, we are transforming the lives of these children and giving them a brighter future.

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