
Chaplaincy Program

At Kinyago Dandora Schools, our commitment to nurturing the spiritual well-being of our students is deeply rooted in our faith in Jesus Christ. Through our dedicated chaplaincy department, we strive to create a Christ-centered environment where students receive not only quality education, better healthcare, and nutritious meals, but also spiritual guidance and support. 

Our chaplaincy team consists of two qualified chaplains, one serving the secondary campus and the other the primary campus. They play a vital role in providing comprehensive guidance and counseling services to our students, staff, parents, and the wider Kinyago- Dandora community. Daily sessions are conducted, where the word of God is expounded, enabling students to gain a deeper understanding and application of biblical principles in their lives.  

Holistic pastoral care and spiritual support are at the heart of our chaplaincy program. We are committed to walking alongside our students, offering prayer, encouragement, and guidance based on the teachings of the Bible. In addition, we actively engage in evangelism, reaching out to the neighborhood community and sharing the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Prayer is a cornerstone of our chaplaincy program. We organize regular prayer meetings, lifting up in prayer all stakeholders, including our students, staff, parents, sponsors, donors, and the wider community. These collective prayers seek divine intervention, guidance, and blessings for everyone involved in the Kinyago Dandora Schools community. To deepen the students’ understanding of the Word of God, we conduct regular Bible studies and hold Christian union services every Friday evening. In our pursuit to expose students to diverse perspectives, we also invite trained evangelists to deliver sermons and share the gospel with our students and staff.

Sports evangelism holds a special place in our chaplaincy program. We organize sports evangelism camps, providing opportunities for students to engage in sports activities while promoting love, unity, and spiritual growth. Every Sunday, we hold church services at the community chapel at the secondary campus, fostering a Godly environment beyond the school premises. These services are open to everyone in the community, creating a space for worship, fellowship, and the cultivation of a God-centered lifestyle.

At Kinyago Dandora Schools, the chaplaincy program is a vital component of our commitment to holistic education. We believe that nurturing the spiritual aspect of our students’ lives is essential for their overall well-being and personal development. Through the guidance of our dedicated chaplains and the teachings of the Bible, we strive to instill strong values, moral character, and a deep faith in our students, preparing them to be compassionate, responsible, and God-fearing individuals who will positively impact their communities and the world.

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