My name is Lucy Waithira, I joined Kinyago Dandora Primary School in the year 2001.
Well, to say life in Kinyago Dandora School was amazing would be an understatement. Kinyago was a place where I would wake up eagerly and all psyched up to go to. It was a quiet and friendly environment to study at, given the humble background that I came from. Kinyago Dandora Schools provided learning materials, guidance and counselling, meals at no cost. Getting all these and quality education without paying a single shilling because a sponsor who doesn’t even know me personally paid it all for me was and still is a great miracle.
I finished my primary education in 2010 and in 2011 I joined Kinyago Dandora Secondary School. The teachers were really great, they helped me grow holistically as an individual. The teachers really mentored me until they got the best out of me. As a Christian School, the guidance and counselling sessions were every Tuesdays. I also recall we used to have prayers everyday in the morning, Friday evenings we used to have Christian Union Fellowship where we would praise, worship and listen to the word of God.
I finished my secondary education in the year 2014 and joined Kenya Medical Training College where I did my Diploma on Pharmacy for 3 years and currently, I’m working at a community pharmacy in Thika Town as a Pharmaceutical technologist and also working on going back to school to do a bachelor in Pharmacy.
A very Big Thank you to Kinyago Dandora Schools and Kenya Children’s Fund.